Monday 19 January 2015

Eat These Foods and Lose Belly Fat

Stubborn belly fat is the bane of many people's existence. While banishing the belly bulge is crucial if you want to fit into your favorite jeans and generally feel good about yourself, it's even more important for your health and longevity. Belly fat, more than any other type of fat, is linked with some serious health concerns such as cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and certain types of cancer.

To eat generously does not have to mean to eat irresponsibly. The important thing to remember is to eat natural and nutrient-dense foods as well as whole foods that the body understands how to use to properly. However, eating certain healthy foods can also help you shrink your belly fat.


Around bedtime, munch on a few tart Montmorency cherries. These cherries are one of a number of plant-based sources of melatonin, the sleep hormone. While there's no evidence that they'll help you nod off, studies have found that foods like these (such as bananas) can raise melatonin levels in the body. Not only does melatonin help you sleep, but it's a powerful antioxidant, which can also promote weight loss.


Apples are perhaps the most widely studied fruit, and the results of research into their benefits have been extremely positive. The most recent evidence (and excitement!) focuses on apples' phytonutrient compounds, including quercetin, catechins, phlorizin and chlorogenic acida.


This is been known for some time in the vegetarian realm but is now making the rounds to the mainstream. The weight loss benefits usually come in the form of switching out sides with quinoa instead of more calorie-dense foods like rice or potatoes. You’ll still get the benefit of rounding out the meal, with the added bonus of the vitamins that quinoa has.


Avocados, a great source of heart-healthy MUFA, contain more of the cholesterol-smashing beta-sitosterol than any other fruit. Mash a 1/4-cup Hass avocado with lime juice, salt and pepper and serve with baked chips or raw vegetables.

Black Beans

All legumes are full of protein and fiber -- two well-known appetite crushers. And thanks to their dark color, black beans are also one of the highest in flavonoids of all the beans. And research shows that flavonoids may thwart the storage of excess tummy fat.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is the best plant source of omega-3 fatty acids and helps reduce systemic inflammation, which researchers believe may lead to heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Stir 1 tablespoon into a smoothie as a healthy afternoon snack.

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